Poker Horror Stories Reddit

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  • I sneezed so hard I fired out the tampon.' Avidasd via Reddit. 'My period horror story happened at church camp at age 13. I had about a year of period experience at this point but was not.
  • 5 True Scary Retail Horror Stories From Reddit (Vol. 3) includes tales from those who regrettably asked, how may I help you?Check Retail Stories Vol 1!
  • Two sentence stories. It's still short, so readers get through the submissions really fast, yet it's vague enough to give the writers space to work with. It turns out, quite a few Internet users have dark thoughts and the ability to express them. That or Stephen King made a lot of Reddit accounts.

These are some of the most upvoted true scary stories found on the r/LetsNotMeet subreddit used with expressed permission from each of the users who posted t.

I guess I'll jump on the Vegas hooker story bandwagon along with Grrouchie, Rob, and Lightning. I'll start with the first story that I already shared in the comments section of Rob's first Vegas hooker story.
I had been to Vegas probably half a dozen times and had seen a few ladies I thought might have been 'working girls,' but I'd never been approached directly by one until my visit in July of 2008. On that trip I got approached three different times. I wasn't sure if I just looked more desperate for female attention or if the failing Vegas economy had forced them to get more aggressive. The truth was probably a little of both.
StoriesIt was a Wednesday night and I had had a pretty successful day at the poker tables by my low-roller standards pocketing just shy of $700 for the day. It was about 3:00 in the morning as I decided to head back to my room at the Flamingo from Planet Hollywood. I decided to drop $100 in a dollar Wheel of Fortune slot to see if I could get lucky. (The Wheel of Fortune slots are my one weakness when it comes to the arcade games in Sin City.) I also wanted to rack up a few points just to see if I could get any room offers from the P-Ho for my next trip to Vegas.
Poker Horror Stories RedditI had slowly leaked away about half of my $100 when a fairly attractive blonde wandered past and casually asked if I was having any luck. I didn't really know how to answer since I had won earlier at poker, but was losing at the slot machine so I just shrugged and said I was doing okay. I didn't realize she was setting up a business proposition until her follow up question, 'Do you want any company tonight?' Ohhhhhhhh...I see what's happening here.

Poker Horror Stories Reddit Games

Maybe I'm just naive, but I really didn't get what was happening when she first stopped to chat. I mean, any of you that have been to Vegas know that it's really not unusual for a complete stranger to high five you or raise their glass and shout 'PARTY!' as you pass them. I just thought it was another friendly tourist. I suppose the time of the morning probably should have clued me in.MoviesPoker Horror Stories Reddit
I responded to her with a very polite, and probably a little timid, 'No, thank you.' She just patted/rubbed me on my shoulder and repeated back to me, 'No, thank you,' in a sort of 'Aww wasn't that sweet' kind of way and moved along.

Poker Horror Stories Reddit Sites

My second ever hooker encounter happened right after that on the walk back to the Flamingo. A nice looking young black girl in a really nice white Lexus was sitting at a red light waiting to pull out of the Paris driveway onto Las Vegas Boulevard. As I neared her car to walk in front of her she rolled her window down and pretty much shouted at me, 'Hey, baby, you looking for some company tonight?' I completely ignored her and kept walking. She proceeded to roll her passenger side window down and continued trying to capture my attention. I never broke stride. By now her light had turned green and the cars behind her were honking their horns. She yelled out the window at them, 'SHUT THE F*&# UP!!!'
She then pulled onto LVB and then turned right into the Bally's driveway right in front of me and continued her tirade. At this point she was clearly pissed that I was ignoring her and started yelling things like, 'Hey! I'm talking to you! Hey! Don't ignore me!' I was honestly a little shaken by the whole thing, but just kept right on walking. Then to add to my anxiousness there was a group of about four very scary looking dudes standing on the walkway over Flamingo Rd. All I could think as I approached them was that I had almost $1,500 in my pocket! I strode past them and was super relieved to see a Bill's security guard and LVPD officer standing and chatting at the bottom of the stairs on the Bill's side of the street.
The third encounter wasn't a good story. She offered. I declined. That was it.