Slot Coordination Italy
Europe’s airlines1 and airports are highly concerned by the European Commission’s (EC) proposal to amend the airport slot regulation. The proposal does not sufficiently address the extent of the continuing crisis in air transport, the likely state of recovery in Summer 2021 and the required level. Slot Request via TypeB address: ROMSPXH Slot Request via Email address: Working hours: from Monday to Friday 08:30 - 17:00 For operational requests outside of our business hours, please contact directly the interested Operational Airport offices Cod fisc 0. Airport Coordination Germany (Fluko) is an independent non-profit organization, financed by German airlines and airports and responsible for slot allocation, schedules facilitation and slot monitoring at 16 airports in Germany.

ACNL is the airport slot coordinator of the Netherlands. ACNL is an independent governing body by public law, financed by a slotfee that air carriers and the level 3 airports have to pay. ACNL is responsible for slot allocation and slot monitoring at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS), Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTM) and Eindhoven Airport (EIN). For more information about our activities please visit Our organisation, General Aviation, Slot Allocation and Slot Monitoring.
04 November 20SAL Distribution dates The S21 SALs have been distributed on the following dates: AMS: 03NOV20 EIN: 03NOV20 RTM: 03NOV20 E-Airportslots read only for S21 As of 03 November 2020, season…

Slot Coordination
The Schedule Coordination/Facilitation of LIMAK Kosovo International Airport J.S.C. Unit is ensuring the most efficient use of airport infrastructure of Prishtina International Airport “Adem Jashari” (PRN) to maximize benefits to the greatest number of airport users.
Prishtina International Airport operates 7/24.
Information on application for flights
Airport coordination is a process of managing airport capacity through the application of a set of rules contained in the IATA Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG at
Schedule Coordination involves the allocation of constrained or limited airport capacity to airlines and other aircraft operators to ensure a viable airport and air transport operation. Coordination is also a process to maximize the efficient use of airport infrastructure.
The process of facilitation centers on voluntary cooperation between airlines and the schedule facilitator/coordinator of Limak Kosovo Int’l Airport. Airlines and schedule facilitator/coordinator of LKIA should use the SSIM message exchange formats developed for communication at Level 2 airports (Level 2 airport, see WSG at
Slot Coordination Italy Best
The Calendar of Coordination Activities specifies the dates when airlines submit their planned operations to the schedule facilitator/coordinator of Limak Kosovo Int’l Airport and the dates when the facilitator/coordinator must reply to the airlines for each flight season.
Schedule Facilitator/Coordinator of LKIA must reply to each airline’s Initial Submission in SAL format, listing the planned operations of that airline held in the facilitator’s database and any recommended schedule adjustments. Airlines should arrange to meet with the facilitator at the Scheduling Conferences to resolve any outstanding issues. Airlines and other aircraft operators should update Schedule Facilitator/Coordinator of LKIA with all changes to their planned operations as soon as they are known. Schedule Facilitator/Coordinator consequently will inform the airport and all relevant parties for the changes are planned to operations.
Coordination table - winter 2020
Coordination table - summer 2020
Initial Schedule - winter 2019
SUMMER 2019 - Initial Flight Schedule Coordinated
Winter Season-Published Flights
Calendar of Coordination Activities WS 2018, SS 2019 and WS 2019
PRN Capacity Data
Schedule Facilitation Table for winter season 2018
Coordination of schedule for summer season 2018 - ver. 22 January 2018
Coordination schedule for winter season 2017 - ver. 15 October 2017
Master Schedule for winter 2017
Flight Schedule in local time - Summer Season 2017

Schedule of Summer Season 2017
Schedule Advice List Table - PRN S17
Schedule of Winter Season 2016 at PRN
Flight Schedule in Local times for Summer Season 2016 by Airline
Flight Schedule in Local times for Summer Season 2016 by Destination
Master Schedule for summer season 2016 (excluding AYT)

Coordinated Schedule for summer season 2016-ver. 17 March 2016
ANTALYA (AYT) frequencies - Master schedule for summer season 2016
Calendar of Coordination Activities for winter 2017 and summer 2018
Scheduling Calendar winter 2016 and summer 2017
Slot Coordination Italy Tours
Scheduling Calendar WS2015 and SS2016
Winter Season 2015 - Initial Schedule as per SAL Messages
Slot Coordination Italy Vacation Packages
Master Schedule for WS 2015
Flight Schedule in Local times by Destinations - Winter Season 2015
Flight Schedule in Local times by Airlines - Winter Season 2015
PRN Flight Schedule in Local Time for Summer Season 2015
Capacity Allocation for summer season 2015 - Master Schedule